Caregiver Resouces
Unpaid caregivers make up the largest source of long-term care services in the U.S.—34 million people or 16 percent of the adult population helps care for an adult 50 or older.
Caregivers can feel alone. We want you to know that you are not alone and we are here to help support you in your role of caring for your loved one. If you are interested in our pastor and church members coming out and sharing communion with yourself and homebound loved one please contact us and let us know.
Sunday mornings it may be difficult to get out and attend church. You can spend time in worship with your loved ones from the comfort of home as we stream our worship service live on our Facebook page.
Matthew 25:40
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did it for Me.”
We know you have a lot on your plate, time is tight and you may not be able to sit and find the help and support needed. Below is a list of links filled with many different resources for you the caregiver.
AARP Caregiving: www.aarp.org/family/caregiving
AgingCare.com: www.agingcare.com
Alzheimer and Dementia Caregiver Center: www.alz.org/care
Ask Medicare: www.medicare.gov/caregivers
Benefits Checkup: www.benefitscheckup.org This site will help you determine if you or a care recipient are eligible for public benefit programs
Bigger Conversations: www.biggerconversations.org/community-programs Caregiver Wellness Circle
Cancer Care: www.cancercare.org
Caregiver.com: www.caregiver.com
Caregiver Action Network: www.caregiveraction.org
Caregiving Café: www.caregivingcafe.com
Caregiver Stress: www.caregiverstress.com
Caring From A Distance: www.cfad.org
eCare Diary: www.ecarediary.com
Eldercare Locator: www.eldercare.gov
Family Caregiver Alliance: www.caregiver.org
Hospice Foundation of America: www.hospicefoundation.org
Lotsa Helping Hands: www.lotsahelpinghands.com
Medicare: www.medicare.gov
National Adult Day Services Association: www.nadsa.org
National Alliance for Caregiving: www.caregiving.org
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging: www.n4a.org
National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers: www.caremanager.org
National Center on Elder Abuse: www.ncea.aoa.gov/
National Family Caregivers Association: www.caregiveraction.org
National Multiple Sclerosis Society: www.nationalmssociety.org/living-with-multiple-sclerosis/relationships/carepartners/index.aspx
NeedMeds: www.needymeds.org/index.htm A site with information about assistance for paying for prescriptions medication
Parkinson’s disease Foundation: www.pdf.org/caregiving_fam_issues
Patient Advocate Foundation: www.patientadvocate.org/index.php provides assistance to patients with chronic, debilitating or life-threatening diseases on issues of job retention, medical debt crisis or insurance access. Assistance takes the form of mediation and arbitration services. PAF does not offer financial assistance. If you need help with co-pays, call their Co-Pay Relief Program at 1-866-512-3861. A case manager can also take the patient's details and look for companies that offer help getting the meds that he or she needs. - See more at: http://www.caregivingcafe.com/top-20-websites-for-caregivers/#sthash.nz2Z2eK4.dpuf
Respite Locator: www.respitelocator.org
Social Security Administration: www.ssa.gov
Thriving in the Middle: www.thrivinginthemiddle.com
Veterans Administration: www.caregiver.va.gov
Well Spouse Foundation: www.wellspouse.org